Regimental Museum staff member and life-member of the 8/13 VMR Regimental Association Kelvin Brian (Brian) Gibson passed away 3 May 2022 at Albury Base Hospital after a very short illness. Brian joined the Museum staff fifteen years ago and made a significant contribution in cataloguing the collection. He was a member of the award-winning digitisation team.

Brian Gibson at his desk entering data on the Victorian Collections web site. Brian was a member of the team which won the award for Excellence in Cataloguing (Military Heritage Section) at AMaGA (Vic) awards night 2020, and was Highly Commended in 2021.

Brian did his National Service training in Queensland and served with Signals and RACT units prior to relocating with his employment first to Geelong then Albury. He was a long-serving secretary and life-member of the Murray Border Nashos.

Brian’s funeral was held at St Patricks Church Albury 12 May. Kozzie Carey, Maurice Greene, Robert Dawe and Doug Hunter, representing the Museum Team, and John Baines representing the Association, attended. Graham Garvie led the National Servicemen’s Tribute Service.